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An R package for Bayesian population genomics in autopolyploids

polyfreqs is an R package for the estimation of biallelic SNP frequencies, genotypes and heterozygosity in autopolyploid taxa using high throughput sequencing data.


polyfreqs uses C++ code to implement its Gibbs sampling algorithm which will usually require the installation of additional software (depending on the operating system [OS] being used). Windows users will need to install Rtools. MacOSX users will need to install the Xcode Command Line Tools. Linux users will need an up-to-date version of the GNU C Compiler (gcc) and the r-base-dev package.
Looking at the requirements for Rcpp is a good place to start too.

polyfreqs relies on two other R packages: Rcpp and RcppArmadillo. These are both available on CRAN and can be installed in the usual way using install.packages():


Note that Rcpp and RcppArmadillo also require the compilation of C++ code so make sure that the necessary compilers are installed appropriately for your OS.


Installing polyfreqs can be done using the devtools package and the install_github() command. Install devtools using install.packages("devtools"). polyfreqs can then be installed as follows:



Example code and tutorials for running polyfreqs can be found in the wiki. For more details on the model underlying polyfreqs please see the associated preprint on bioRxiv: Blischak et al.

Help topics



  • Imports: Rcpp
  • Suggests: knitr, coda
